Santos: So some fields of math have very clear applications, and we can use them right away to tackle problems like pollution. But there are mathematicians who study math that doesn’t necessarily have ...
The Italian house’s spring 2025 collection, shown at Milan Fashion Week, drew on geometry and trigonometry and was inspired ...
Mathematics' is fundamental to the Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Machine Learnings (DML) revolution that has taken ...
The course is called Teaching Math, and it officially begins Oct. 1.
The Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence in Mathematics is the latest partnership between the European Guild and ARUA ...
First, there was a hierarchy of university professors, district administrators, teacher leaders and classroom teachers that bridged the needs of educators in the field and the latest research ...
Preschool teachers have different views on finger counting. Some teachers consider finger counting use in children to signal ...
An international team of researchers has found a surprisingly simple relationship between the rates of energy and information ...
The immigration debate can't just be about money, but that's a big part of it. As an immigrant, I ran the numbers and they can be very good for the US or cost us over $1 trillion.
An international team of researchers has found a simple relationship between the rates of energy and information transmission across an interface connecting two quantum field theories.
Dr. Christine Uhl, associate professor of Mathematics, recently had two peer-reviewed articles published. Her work “Automorphisms of quantum polynomial rings and Drinfeld Hecke algebras,” coauthored ...
Math educator Sheila Tabanli offers three instructional strategies that instructors teaching the “most hated subject” can ...