We might not always want to think too hard about it but can be strange to imagine that our fish (or maybe just their ...
We might not always want to think too hard about it but can be strange to imagine that our fish (or maybe just their ...
Jeremy Gay introduces what is probably the most colourful fish you can buy for the indoor coldwater aquarium - the stunning Red shiner or Rainbow dace. Red shiners are an attractive cool water fish ...
Aquarists will be familiar with a number of fishes able to move about on land, but scientists have recently discovered one that throws a new light on understanding how terrestrial vertebrates evolved.
New to fishkeeping? This planted aquarium is easy to set up, and is suitable for beginners who would like to grow live plants in their community tank. For our set-up, the aquarium we chose was a Juwel ...
Daunted by fertilisers and carbon dioxide? Danny Verboekend suggests it needn’t be so difficult to set up an algae-free, low maintenance aquascape at home. High-intensity lights and high-pressure ...
Assuming you’re talking aboutTetraodon baileyi, this species is a lot like other ‘lurker’ pufferfish in preferring habitats with brisk currents and plenty of oxygen. They like to lurk among smooth ...
I love experimenting with filtration and wonder if I could connect an external filter to the uplift of an undergravel filter for improved filtration? You can and this sort of thing has been done ...
Corydoras like to root around in the substrate for food. So what should we use in the aquarium to allow them to behave naturally, without damage to their barbels? Heiko Bleher explains. I strongly ...
A) NEALE SAYS: Luckily, yes! The simplest way is to add things from a mature aquarium. Bunches of live plants are a good start, especially floating plants, which have all the useful bacteria on their ...
A) Jeremy says: Bristol shubunkins are beautiful fish and a credit to the British goldfish keepers who have selectively bred and perfected them over the decades. Very popular in the UK goldfish ...
A: Neale replies: There’s honestly no goby ideally suited to a community tank because they’re all somewhat fussy in one regard or another. Rhinogobius need subtropical conditions; Knight gobies need ...